English | French
[su_tab title=”General Info/Welcome” anchor=”First”]
Au nom de l’ensemble du comité d’organisation de Accra Fashion Week , nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue à la section COUTURIER.
Si vous êtes capable de visualiser ces informations, félicitations! Cela signifie que votre participation à Accra Fashion Week est approuvée. Nous aimerions profiter de cette occasion pour vous éclairer sur le déroulement d’Accra fashion week et sur l’impact positif que cette fashion week aura sur votre carrière de Couturier.
Accra fashion Week vous offre une plateforme dirigée par des professionnels pour vous aider à avoir votre propre défilé de mode.
Avec Accra Fashion Week vous épargne les dépenses extrêmes et les tracasseries pour de mettre sur pied un défilé de mode ; vous disposez donc d’une plateforme pour avoir votre défilé personnel afin de présenter vos collections avec un budget 350 $ (1300 GHS).
Un grand public international, des acheteurs et des propriétaires de boutiques, venant du monde entier, assisterons à votre défilé.
Pour la première fois, Accra, le Ghana et l’Afrique subsaharienne auront l’occasion de vivre une semaine de la mode qui est fortement et principalement basée sur la rencontre entre ACHETEURS venant du monde entier, des USINES DE PRODUCTION EN MASSE et votre maison de couture.
POURQUOI ACCRA Semaine de la mode et pas d’autres?
Le comité d’organisation de Accra Fashion Week comprend des spécialistes de la mode du Ghana et de divers horizons ; des experts en marketing de l’industrie textile, des organisateurs de festival en Afrique et ailleurs dans le monde.
Bien que nous ciblions des marchés internationaux, il est important de rappeler que l’Afrique elle-même est une grande ressource de clientèle pour nos designers. L’industrie de la mode en Afrique perd des sommes faramineuses tous les jours au profit des vêtements bon marché en provenance des marchés étrangers comme la Chine et l’Inde.
Accra Fashion Week Accra permettra une rencontre entre divers détaillants pour les sensibiliser sur l’importance de supporter nos talents locaux. En dehors des propriétaires de magasins et boutiques locaux, nous avons la confirmation de la participation de divers acheteurs de l’étranger à Accra Fashion Week.
Accra Fashion Week est spécifiquement créé pour répondre à la relation créateur-acheteur. Votre expérience à Accra Fashion Week sera riche.
Accra Fashion Week se tiendra en Octobre 2016, sur une période de quatre jours en ligne avec le calendrier international des semaines de la mode.
[su_tab title=”Create Your Show” anchor=”Second”]
À Accra Fashion Week, vous partagerai pas le même podium que 15 ou 20 autres couturiers, chaque designer aura son propre espace pour 1heure avec son propre public cible. Vous serez autorisé à mettre en valeur ce que vous voulez, c’est votre segment à vous. Oui, vous pouvez mettre en valeur ce que vous voulez dans ce segment. Chaque segment donnera couturier la possibilité soit de :
– Défiler seul,
– Défiler avec un autre couturier,
– Défiler avec 2 autres couturiers [ce qui en fait 3 à la fois (maximum]).
Chaque option est soumise à condition.
Accra Fashion Week aura lieu à « TRADE FAIRE ». De 11hrs à 22hrs, tous les 3 pavillons accueilleront des spectacles et défilés de mode pendant 4 jours. Chaque pavillon ayant Lune superficie de 67m x 36m.
Trade Fair Map
Pavilion A
Pavilion B
Après votre réservation, il vous sera attribué un segment pour votre défilé qui sera géré à votre convenance, vous aurez le contrôle total de votre défilé. Une équipe de professionnel sera a votre disposition pour vous assurer une show de haute qualité.
Vos 350$ vous donnent droit aux éléments suivants….
– Le podium entièrement monte et des sièges mis en place
– Backstage avec Maquilleurs et coiffeurs
– Éclairage et sonorisation
– 15 mannequins
– Photographe
– Des portants
– 5 assistants
– Tickets
– Sécurité
Pour la première fois en Afrique, vous pouvez orchestrer littéralement votre propre défilé de mode à partir de seulement 350 $. Une somme qui n’est rien compare à ce que vous couterait votre propre défilé en solo ; en aucun cas il vous serait possible de louer les luminaires, le podium, les mannequins etc… 350$. Nous vous offrons une réelle opportunité d’avoir votre propre défilé en face d’une presse Internationale répondant aux normes internationale.
Les Organisateurs derrière Accra Fashion Week comprennent parfaitement que notre industrie Africaine de la mode est encore en plein développement et qu’il demande des efforts supplémentaires aux couturiers pour atteindre leurs cibles. Accra Fashion Week peut vous assurer qu’une fois que vous avez enregistré et confirmé votre réservation, vos détails seront envoyés à notre liste de diffusion des adeptes de la mode, célébrités et autres acheteurs à travers le monde en les invitant à assister à votre défilé. En outre, il y aura des stands d’exposition qui permettra aux exposants de rencontrer leurs cibles dans une ambiance formidable.
GENIAL, je peux avoir mes propres SPONSORS pour mon défilé ?
En plus de tous les avantages cités plus haut, vous pouvez également saisir cette occasion pour rechercher des sponsors pour votre propre défilé. VOUS ETES AU CONTROLE DE VOTRE SEGMENT.
[su_tab title=”Register Your Slot” anchor=”Third”]
Each booking will apply to slots already scheduled across the festival period as shown below. Accra Fashion Week will allocate designers to time slot appropriately based upon location, type of designs & more however early bookers will be given more room to select. Therefore designers who book first will be queried first as to their preference and given more option to chose which time slot they would prefer their show to hold in.
This is not a problem! Accra Fashion Week will be able to take on the search for a designer who clothes are similar to that of yours. Some might not like the idea that a designer in a similar category might invade their sales. However all designers will need to know buyers are very intolerant to what they don’t want. And most might not attend a show if they are forced to watch something that’s not in their interest. Therefore it is always best to pare with creatives that are in the same field as you, which might even help magnet your audience or prospects for your future career.
As we stated before you ability to see this segment of the website means you are eligible to showcase at Accra Fashion Week. However, we place trust in you to ensure you work toward the following after the show.
1/ Work to produce a collection that would either be released within the month of the Fashion Week or set to be released afterwards and not before. Buyers are very unlikely to be satisfied watching items that are already in the market.
2/ All designers will be obliged to provide images and a full list of all items they intend to showcase at Accra Fashion Week 2016 with decent photography to some extent. This should be sent to us at Accra Fashion Week and also include bulk order prices for interested buyers and boutique owners. The items would be emailed to accredited buyers a few weeks prior to the show in order to encourage them to decide which show would be of interest to them. The information would be made available to new visiting buyers after the show.
3/ Ensure your brand is fully accessible. After confirmation, designers will be profiled on the website no longer than two weeks after applications, given visitors full access to all their social media and website platforms, as well can direct contacts and communication.
4/ Designer registration will close on 10th August and our show schedule will be produced by 25th August and sent to the press. First registrars will receive benefits such as headlining features. Press acknowledgment, possible participation in campaign shoots, buyer recommendations as well as the ability to chose their preferred venue and slots.
5/ Designers must ensure they bring along a their head stylist/s whom will be accompanied by 5 helpers provided by Accra Fashion Week.
6/ Designers are also advised, if within their budget, to produce Look Books that can be handed out their their guests. Or at least fliers with details of their work and contact information. Goodie bags would are also recommended.
[su_tab title=”Packages” anchor=”Forth”]
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[su_tab title=”Models” anchor=”Fifth”]
In order to provide the best presentation to both domestic and international buyers, Accra Fashion Week would be providing some of the best professional models (local and international) to exhibit your clothes on the runway. Each venue and set will be provided 15 free models from our MAIN SET of models (both local and international) to the designers at their disposal paid for by Accra Fashion Week.
There will also be an extra pool of models from our EXTRA SET of which designers can cast and chose from if they need to use more than the 15 already provided. The EXTRA SET would also selected by Accra Fashion Week but will be paid for at the designers own expense. Designers are capable of paying the EXTRA SET models any amount they are comfortable with as long as the said model from the EXTRA SET approves. Models have the right to approve or disapprove the offer like any normal casting, so do ensure you have a satisfactory budget if you wish to include more models at your show.
With the exception of models coming from abroad. Both the models in the MAIN SET and EXTRA SET will be decided by Accra Fashion Week in our initial casting which will take place in early September. If designers will like to see models or ladies they are aware of participate we encourage them to ensure they attend the castings.
Due to having many international designers particpate, we are working in order to ensure designers do not engage in the struggle of fittings as some might have very little time to prepare for their shows from the moment they land. Therefore ALL the selected models will strictly be limited to the heights 5ft8 to 5ft11, and the dress size 6UK to 8UK. Allowing designers to customize their clothes to the said size prior to their fittings. This will be ranging from bust 31-33, waits 23-26 and hips 32-38. Male models will vary between heights 5ft11-6ft2. This also serves two other benefits. 1/ Given us a steady flow of a particular type of model on the runway. 2/ Allows us to meet the standards of other mainstream fashion weeks of which their associated press will be covering.
The selected models by Accra Fashion Week will be the final and ONLY models to walk Accra Fashion Week with the exception of designers using child models, plus size models or celebrities. Which can only be casted for by the designers and will need approval by Accra Fashion Week. Designers wishing to include models in their show will need to send them through the appropriate channels which would be the casting by Accra Fashion Week in September. All rejected models or non present at the casting should not end up back stage or will be removed by the show producers. For the betterment of the show and our media coverage around the world, we kindly ask designers to respect this, place their personal and subjective wishes aside and work to appropriate their shows to these guidelines.
Local/Ghanaian based designers will be responsible for organizing their own castings for more models, however this will still be models in the EXTRA SET. The castings will be at their own given location and must consider convenient times for model attendance. The show producer which you are assigned to should be notified and involved with any and all casting the designer/s wish to hold for their Accra Fashion Week show. We would kindly advise that if there is more than one designer within a slot/set, they should preferably hold their castings together.
International designers (if needing more models outside of the 15 models) can either select their models via online pictures we send them, or can hold castings upon their arrival. Castings for international designers can be executed either on the 3rd, 4th or the 5th of October. Any designer whom will be arriving on the 5th or afterwards will be limited to booking their EXTRA models via email.
Designers will need to pay the EXTRA SET ahead of their shows. Or alternatively present their budget to the show producers whom will them pay the models after the show is completed.
There will be a number of international models available to be booked. Of all 15 models provided, there will be roughly 3-5 known foreign faces. For more faces abroad, All international model cards will be accumulated and made available to designers by email after our initial castings. Their model cards will be sent to designers along side that of the MAIN and EXTRA SET models.
Accra Fashion Week will confirm all international models that will be in Accra during the festive period. We will do our best to ensure they will be available, but as in all cases there can always be room for error. ie. models missing planes, not responding, change of mind, change of plans, etc. So we will kindly ask designers not to fully depend on any international models they wish to book until they arrive, and always hold local models for reservation in case a replacement is needed.
Accra Fashion Week will not tolerate any attempt to disrupt this process and infiltrate models not selected in our September casting or international selection. We kindly ask designers to respect the complex of models within this field will be stressful and doing such may confuse model fees, arrangements and order. This process has been extensively analyzed our by staff and other professionals in order to provide a strong competitive based and presentation that can stand the likes of Paris, Milan, London and New York fashion week. And by continueing with your application, you agree to respect and abide by this process. [/su_tab]
[su_tab title=”International” anchor=”Sixth”]
Please visit this section later if you are an international designer, where all perks and offers will be made available for designer from abroad. Thanks
[su_tab title=”Register Now” anchor=”Seventh”]
Sorry Designer Registration is No More. See you in 2017
General Info/Welcome | Create Your Show | Registering Your Slot | Packages | Models | International | Register Now